2023 Coast Range Estate Dry Riesling
92 Points, International Wine Report
"The 2023 Coast Range Estate Riesling by Tristaetum is made in a dry style and sports a light lemon core with a watery rim. Light citrus notes and wet earthy clay, merge with dried herbs and a smooch of petrol on the nose. Moderate plus acidity and a light-to-medium body, merge with apricot flavors to complete the wine." - International Wine Report
Coast Range Vineyard
45 million year old mix of marine sediments and intrusive basalt flows in the foothills of the Coast Range mountains
Drinking Window
In Stock
Wine Specs
Residual Sugar
Alcohol %
Wine Profile
Production Notes
2023 Vintage Notes: A very cold and wet Spring delayed budbreak in 2023 until the beginning of May (one of the latest we've seen at Trisaetum); but a warm and very sunny May/June saw the vines quickly make up ground. Throughout the summer the weather was beautiful and ideal for fruit set, véraison and flavor development.
Harvest commenced at Trisaetum on September 6th with our first sparkling pick. A couple of inches of rain fell in late September, which thankfully refreshed the vines and pushed the Riesling harvest back to October 5th-8th.
With long hang times and plenty of dry days from which to harvest perfectly ripe fruit, winemakers are understandably quite enthusiastic about the 2023 vintage.